| Mindset | Health | Well-being |

Conscious Dreamer

Taking your dreams, and bringing them into your reality.

You have landed on this page for a reason! You are ready to make foundational, exponential shifts in your life!

Have you ever felt like you have had a million amazing ideas running around in your head, but you don’t know where to put them, which one to start with, or what to do with them?!

Have you felt like you are reacting to life more than you are able to respond to life clearly?

You are not alone. I have been there!

Conscious Dreamer is all about finding, building, and embodying the practices, and modalities that work for you, to create the foundational mindset you need to be the person you dream of, and crush the goals you are striving for!

We will be working through modalities including different breath work techniques, meditation, devotion to oneself and healing, goal setting, and implementation to create a daily practice that seamlessly integrates into your life. You will learn about the depth behind the practices, so you can understand HOW, and WHY they work for you!

We will dive deep into each part of your being to release patterns no longer serving you and your mindset, so you can live in your divine power, calm your nervous system so you no longer react to life - but rather respond to life and surprise yourself more than you could dream of.

This is all about YOU! I am here to be your guide through calming the craziness of your mind, through providing somatic experiences that allow you to connect to yourself deeper, and your personal cheerleader to embody the human you want to be!

The work isn’t always easy, but it is necessary. That is the beauty of the human experience. You deserve the consistency you crave. You deserve to live the life you dream of!

I cannot wait to work with you, and facilitate deep healing and shifts within.